5th October 2007
Just a few words to say I haven't abandoned the Starhawk site.I fully intend to return to it in the next few months but am
busy as hell with the Adam Eterno site.I have been in contact with the creator of Starhawk-Bill Graham and two writers Dave
Taylor and Alan Hemus.Also I am preparing an article for inclusion in Crikey magazine.Also I fully intend to re-upload new
smaller but hi-res thumbnails of all the stories to free up server space and include more content.I have started with the
first Starhawk story from Issue 35 of Crunch so go there to compare!So that's the plans for the future folks.Chat soon.
11th June 2007
My God! It seems like forever since I was last here!Good news-Starblazer 186-Starhawk is now fully online.ENJOY!I hope to
get the remaining 2 Starblazers online soon.
7th January 2007
Have added short note from one of the artists who contacted me to the Interviews page complete with photo-Enrique Alcatena.Have
also updated the Hotspur Database accordingly.
1st January 2007
Happy New Year!A lot of work has been done since this site went live in March of 2006-from a handful of scans to almost completing
the entire project!It may never happen but to those who helped out-my eternal thanks.I really enjoyed putting it together.You
see folks,it can be done!I haven't given up completely though-I will finish off the Starblazer books,the other little extras
dotted around the site and the Starhawk story,plus I will keep a weather eye out for the elusive missing issues.So all that
remains is to say thanks and here's to a great new year!
10th December 2006
Have cleaned up the Droid's Witticisms page so just click on the green android head for some funny humour.Can you guess which
comic they came from?Also have added another entry to Starhawk's Future World and we are now up to page 40 of the Starhawk
Starblazer book.
8th December 2006
Great news folks,the Young Starhawk story is finally finished and online for posterity!Also another 13 pages of the Starhawk
Starblazer book are now uploaded meaning we are over halfway through the book.More scans coming very soon!
5th December 2006
Whew!Can't believe it's been over a month since I posted here!I've finally put up another episode of "Young Starhawk"
in the Buddy page.Only two more to go fans.On the upside,I've added three more pages-"Droid's Witticisms","Starhawk's
Future World" and "Fan Fiction".All need a bit of fine tuning,which I'll get around to when I have more free
time.Rest assured,Young Starhawk will finish before Christmas.Then I'll concentrate on the rest of the site.
3rd November 2006
Have taken a break from the strips tonight to concentrate on the much neglected artist and writer database to bring you the
Hotspur and Crunch table.Have added in publication dates for each issue.All that remains is to fill in the blanks!More to
come soon.
1st November 2006
Added another Young Starhawk strip and another 5 pages of the Starblazer Issue 186 book.Oh and there's now a clock on the
31st October 2006
Happy Halloween!Have added another strip of the Young Starhawk series.On another note I have decided to delete the Vulcan
page.Much as I would have liked to keep it onboard,I simply had to clear the decks in order to push ahead with Starhawk-related
work.So I hope it was of help to anybody while it was there.Talk soon.
29th October 2006
Great news,fans!Rod emailed me to say he had found an unknown Starhawk complete story from Victor Issue 1441 dated 1 October
1988.By the late date,I believe this now to be the last ever Starhawk strip.To commemorate this the strip can be found on
its own new page-Victor.If you know of any more,let me know.He also sent me the cover of that issue which although only features
Starhawk above the Masthead still qualifies as a cover.You know where to find it,folks.My thanks to Rod!Also I have added
another 2 strips of the Young Starhawk series.
24th October 2006
Okay folks,just completed another bout of housecleaning...and it's not even Spring :-)I've tidied up the Misc page to bring
it into line with the overall design of the site.And I've decided to add a new page-FANS!Yes people,this is where I get to
show the world that I am not the only fan!First off the starting blocks is one Lincoln Yaco from Florida.Who knows,I may include
my own profile some day :-)
23rd October 2006
Just added another strip to the Young Starhawk story over at the Buddy page and a further 3 pages to the Starhawk book over
at the Starblazer page.
15th October 2006
The Death Blast 2599-Starhawk and Droid Board Game from Buddy Issue 105 is now online at the Misc page.Why not print it out
and have a blast from the past!
14th October 2006
Exciting news,Starhawk fans!Al from ComicsUK has kindly furnished me with the last episode of Young Starhawk so now I have
the complete series to hand and they will be going online soon.Also Al very kindly has given me a scan of the Starhawk boardgame
from Issue 105 of Buddy.I'll put that up tomorrow.
12th October 2006
Back from the hols folks!Just time to add a link to a full interview of Alan Willow on the Gerry Anderson site.Kudos to Shaqui.Go
to the Alan Willow page on the Interviews section of the Artists and Writers page.Will get back to work on the site real soon,later.
27th September 2006
FINALLY! ALL of the CRUNCH strips are online!Yes folks,all 20 of the original series are now available for your reading pleasure
over at the Crunch page.Hope you enjoy.Will be on hols for the next 2 weeks,but when I get back,I will start work on uploading
the remaining Young Starhawk strips from Buddy,so if you have the last one from Issue 96,get in touch.See ya soon,folks!
Have added a new page called Future Projects to let you know what's in store for the site in the months ahead.Just hope I
can find the the time :-)
17th September 2006
Continuing to upload the Crunch Starhawk strips,all of which are in my posession now!Thanks to FOTI for that!Latest upload
is Issue 38 which saw Starhawk in his longest strip yet-6 Pages!!!This coupled with a front cover appearance meant he took
up nearly a quarter of the comic that week!Will try to finish off the Crunch page before my hols at the end of this month
and when I get back will resume the Young Starhawk page.
13th September 2006
Rod from the ComicsUK forum has sent me the infamous "Missing Page 4" from Hotspur and Crunch Issue 1060!So finally
we can all read the end of that particular story.My thanks to Rod.Also another contributor-Jeremy Briggs-has sent me some
data vis a vis the Hotspur Annuals and Starhawks appearances.So hopefully that will help us narrow down the search for stories
there.The data can be seen on the Hotspur Annuals page.So maybe FOTI can help out there,eh?
12th September 2006
The Crunch Covers section is now complete with the last 3 covers now up in the Covers page.Also a new page-Profiles has been
added detailing Space Rider and Starhawk.Droid has also moved to this page much to his chagrin,but a quick telling off from
Sol put him in his place!
5th September 2006
Well,the 1984 Hotspur Annual is online as well as a strip from Bullet No.1 over at the From The Vaults page called Smasher.Also
have uploaded the Vulcan Summer Special and Annual thumbnails.Just waiting on FOTI now for more exciting adventures from Starhawk's
Crunch days!
4th September 2006
Exciting news people.The Starhawk tribute site has been given a boost by one Jeremy Briggs as he has provided the strips for
the '84,'85 and '88 Hotspur Annuals!They will go online very soon.Also a group of comics fans whom I shall refer to in the
future as F.O.T.I.(Friends of the Internet!)have starting supplying me with missing scans from the Crunch comics.So NOW we
have the FIRST STARHAWK strip for your reading pleasure on the Crunch page,the Cover of Issue 35(Covers Page) that started
it all off and the very ad from the previous Issue 34 on the Misc page.I will also put up more Young Starhawk over the coming
weeks.Enjoy!And a million thanks to all who helped!
30th August 2006
Great news fans!Word has reached me from Jeremy Briggs re the Hotspur Annuals.It seemed Starhawk can now be verified as aappearing
in the 1984,1985 and 1988 Annuals.Scans are winding their way to me as we speak.In light of this the page has been renamed
dropping the question mark :-)All that remains is to check out all the Annuals from 1981 to the last Hotspur Annual for stories.Please
help if you can.Also the Interview with Tony is in the works...more on that in the coming weeks.Have also with his permission
uploaded Steve Holland's photo in the Artists section.Must add a link to his blog soon.Very knowledgable chap!Will also upload
more of the Young Starhawk strips as well.Now has anybody got the last strip of this from Buddy Issue 96?Later,spacefarers!
24th August 2006
Have taken receipt of the remaining missing Buddy Issues save one featuring the Young Starhawk stories and have uploaded the
next story in the saga.Have also added 2 more Covers from Buddy to the Covers Page,which are unique in the Starhawk stripography
in that they are actually part of the story rather than just Portraits.So rush on over there now.Only need Buddy Issue 96
to complete the saga.I've read the whole story offline and for anybody who has not read it before you are in for a treat!!!
19th August 2006
Hi folks,am currently working on a comprehensive biopic of Starhawk which when finished should serve as the definitive reference
for the biography of this character.The pic shown left,which I coloured using Photoshop is a sneak preview.
Also,hope you like the new Starhawk main picture on the home page!
17th August 2006
Have cleaned up the Artists and Writers page folks at last.So basically just click on the Interviews pic to read up on the
Starhawk legacy and click on the Comic Titles to view the database.More titles coming soon.Have also collated the Steve Holland
info from the Starblazer page into his own slot with the Artists in the Interview section of the site as it just makes more
sense for research purposes.Hope you enjoy!
15th August 2006
Have added Issues 1098,1100 and 1101 to the Hotspur section!Look out for the spinning "NEW" cube!Also exciting news
over at the Buddy page.Later...

Hi Starhawk fans!Great news,have posted off interview with Artist Tony O'Donnell,so should have that at the weekend.Also have
secured 3 missing strips from Hotspur-Issues 1098,1100 and 1101.Just awaiting delivery.Also working hard on Database cum synopsis
of every strip.The symbol to the left will appear next to anything new and exciting as you browse the pages for easy identification.Now
I'm off for a drink...I mean rest!
29th July 2006
Have added a new page folks called From The Vaults showcasing some of my favourite strips from the past.Head on over and have
a look.Later...
23rd July 2006
The onerous housekeeping task of transfering all full size images to the Imageshack servers is now complete freeing up over
half the space previously occupied with the result that now only the thumbnails are hosted on the Tripod servers.This will
allow more space for any new content hopefully in the shape of missing Starhawk strips.So please help out if you can.Meanwhile
the Time Warriors strip is gaining momentum over at the Spike page.That's all for now,star troopers.
22nd July 2006
Tony O'Donnell has been in touch so hopefully we'll have his interview online very soon.Also,over at the Spike page,the Time
Warriors series continues apace whilst the Powerbeast is no more.Have not forgotten about the synopsis sections either,rather
have been thinking about just giving it a revamp-outlining the main plot and throwing in a few observations and quotes from
the strip.
19th July 2006
I have included an extract with Starhawk Artist Alan Willow conducted by Shaqui on behalf of the site this month.Also have
finished the Crunch entry in the Database.All this can be viewed over at the Artists and Writers page,so off you go!Once again
my eternal thanks to one of our top contributors-Shaqui.I will be upgrading that page soon,leaving just the Database on its
own and linking to the interviews and posts as they arrive,to tidy up the proceedings you understand,before the page becomes
too messy and unwieldy.See you at the Forum!
17th July 2006
Just to let you all know,information is coming in from some of the actual Artists one of whom I believe has even viewed the
web site :-)All of this new data will be collated and displayed in the Artists and Writers section very soon,hopefully with
Photos.Also am working on the Database too.Thanks once again to all the contributors,now if I could only get hold of Tony
O'Donnell !!!!
11th July 2006
Have reversed the News entries so that the latest is always here at the top of the page.Great news,Return of Starhawk starts
over on the Starblazer page.Hope you're enjoying the site as much as I am,putting it together.A lot of work still remains,so
help out in any way you can,...later!
10th July 2006
Some slight changes folks.In order to conserve server space on the Tripod server which hosts this site and also to enable
the pages to load faster(given that sixty plus thumbnails would have to load!) I have changed the Starblazer pages to Text
Links.This has the added advantage of freeing up considerable space which I can devote to other projects in the future.Don't
worry,the rest of the Stripography will remain in Thumbnail mode.I will also shortly be moving the Covers links and the Droid
links to the ImageShack servers to complete this phase of the redesign of the site.Again,please help out in any way you can
by contacting me either through the Guestbook or the Forum.Later...
1st July 2006
Summer is here and things are hotting up at Starhawkcrunch!Have added another Starblazer title-"Target...Starhawk"
and am in negotiations for "Return of Starhawk".Continuing to update Spike section so keep checking back.Al from
ComicsUK has listed us in his Links page.Fame at last.Hope to bring you some original srtwork from Tony O'Donnell before the
month's out.Have also updated some graphics and improved the navigation of the stripography so you don't have to scoll back
to the top when finished reading a section.This should make the experience more fluid!Later...oh yeah,have listed us in the
Wikipedia as "starhawk the crunch"..please feel free to edit it!Finally,glad to see people are using the Guestbook.But
if you want a more open chat,go to the forum.See ya there....!
24th June 2006
What do you think of the new Starhawk logo on the home page?Have also begun the first of the story synopsis'.You'll find these
under the "Read it now!" headers.Just click on them to read a full breakdown of the story.Let me know what you think.Later,space
21st June 2006
Hi folks,just to let you know what's been going on.Hope you're enjoying the stories.All the sections now have contributions
and updates are being done in piecemeal fashion,i.e-when the scans come in,they get uploaded to the site asap!Still a lot
to do.Plans for the future include the completion of the stripography,a Krell Gallery of Infamy,a full story synopsis of every
strip,a history of the Starhawk character,as many interviews with the artists and writers as possible to include an Artists/Writers
Roll of Honour,and last but by no means least,my attempt at some fan fiction.Maybe you're a budding writer who would like
to share their vision of the Starhawk universe?Send it in!Also don't forget the Starhawk forum if you have anything to say.And
if you have your own site,why not link to us?Sharing is caring.Till next time,watch out for the Krell!...
12th June 2006
Every saga has a beginning...No,it's not Star Wars...it's Young Starhawk!Yes Folks,his adventures as a kid begin over at the
Buddy page.And as if that wasn't enough,go to the misc page for a splattering of ads and even some Krell wallpaper...in full
horrendous colour!
8th June 2006
Hello Starhawk fans.Have recieved final batch of scans from Rod for Starhawk and The Time Warriors.Rush on over to the Spike
page to begin reading this new adventure.Also,have won an eBay auction for the two Starblazer books featuring Starhawk.Busy
scanning the books and they will be online soon.Also,have started new page...Misc.This will contain any odds and ends that
don't quite fit in anywhere else.And to start it all off,how about an ad?Thanks once again to my top contributor,Rod.As always,I
am indebted to him.Till next time,happy reading!
23rd May 2006
Things are moving fast at Starhawk Towers now folks.I've put up the first episode of Starhawk against The Power Beast in the
Spike section...Rush over there now to begin reading!My eternal thanks to Rod as always!Also kudos to a new contributor-Jeremy,who
has supplied some scans of the very rare Starblazer Issue 201-Return of Starhawk...the front and back covers and a sample
page...check it out in the Covers section.Last but not least,am currently in negotiations to secure Issues 186 and 222 of
Starblazer featuring complete stories of Starhawk-Starhawk and Target-Starhawk respectively.Will keep you posted.If you have
anything Starhawk related,you know the drill!
17th May 2006
Okay folks,just to let you know,I haven't been lax.The Spike Starhawk strips from Issues 63-67 are up and Rod has contacted
me to say he will be sending on more scans soon.Have uploaded a few more thumbnails and will be linking to full-size images
soon.The ImageShack servers sre working brilliliantly and allow for better resolution for your reading pleasure!Have emailed
Richard a gazillion times re missing scans for certain issues of The Crunch but to no avail.If you have them why not contact
me via the forum.Any strips that are not up,you can presume I don't have.However I continue to scour bookshops for old issues
of Crunch and Hotspur and Starblazer and now(blast!)Victor & Hotspur.If you can help in any way,get in touch!Also should
have some original sketches from artist Tony O'Donnell in June.See Artists section for more info.Talk soon..
First the bad news!
I was seriously beginning to run out of server space on which to host the full size images which would have meant curtailing
the amount of strips on the site and downsizing their image quality substantially,which would have marred their readability.
Now the GOOD news!
Through the good offices of ImageShack I can link directly to their servers and display an unlimited amount of images
and best of all,there is no cap on bandwidth.So I have as a trial started to upload some strips onto their server.This means
instead of the uniform look of the site when you view full size images,you will now be greeted with a whitespace window with
the image scaled own.Simply click it to zoom to full size.I will continue to utilize as much server space as I have here at
present until the ImageShack server proves stable enough.My unlimited thanks go to ImageShack for effectively saving this
29th March 2006
Continuing to upload more full size images,folks.Have some great plans for the site.All of this can be helped along quicker
with your help of course.Kudos to our 2 contributors Rod and RichardF who is preparing some work for us at the mo.Will get
back to you soon.
24th March 2006
Have added more full size images...this time you can read Issue 63 and 64 of Starhawk's adventures in Spike plus the first
available strip from Hotspur and Crunch!Look out for Read it now! above the thumbnails periodically,star fighters!
The site has picked up a surprising amount of interest,not least from Rod over at the forum who is contributing ALL of the
Spike strips..go to Spike to read Issue 63's strip...and Tony O'Donnell,one of the artists!Stay tuned for further news!