Welcome to the first and only tribute site to Starhawk!
Starhawk first started out in the Crunch comic in 1979 which lasted for 54 issues before amalgamating with the Hotspur on
February 2nd 1980 where the strip continued on and off for a while.Such was its popularity that when Hotspur eventually dropped
the Crunch from its title,Starhawk was brought back as a staple character in the Hotspur's line-up!When Hotspur joined Victor,Starhawk
saw a new lease of life for a few episodes before disappearing.But he came back in 1982 as Young Starhawk in Buddy and later
was resurrected in Spike!He even saw action in a late issue of Victor in 1988 and of course starred in three issues of Starblazer
and featured in three Hotspur Annuals!

I have acquired as many of the strips as possible,but as always there are many glaring omissions.I have divided the strips
into the correct order in which they appeared and the publication they appeared in,that is,
"The Crunch" 1979-1980,
"Hotpur and Crunch"1980,
"Victor and Hotspur"1981,
"Starblazer"1986,1987,1988 respectively,which each has it's own page,
"Hotspur Annuals"1984,1985 & 1988(Published 1987)
"Victor Issue 1441"October 1988