The Hammer Man
This very popular strip featured on and off in Victor for many years and told the tales of Baron Chell Puddock and Sir Jack
Jinks.Set in Medieval times it was full of wry humour and usually involved Jack getting Chell out of trouble.Sort of a Middle-Ages
Laurel and Hardy duo.Click below to read the start of a new story which appeared when Buddy joined Victor for Issue 1173 on
August 13th 1983
The Rough Tough Boyhood of Alf Tupper
The title said it all of the famous Tough of the Track.Click on the thumbnails to read the very first story which featured
in Issue 1183 of Victor on October 22nd 1983 and told the tale of Alf's formative years.This perenniel favourite appeared
on and off in both text and picture stories for generations!Wholey subsisting on a diet of fish and chips he still managed
to "run 'em"!
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This was the very first story in the very first Issue of Bullet(Warlord's nephew!)published on February 14th 1976.The story
was set around a giant robot called Smasher controlled by Doctor Doom,who not surprislingly wanted to take over the world
with his killer machine.Two troublemakers-Raglin and Ferret would do their best to stop him!
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