JULY 2006
I've had a couple of posts from Shaqui,one of our contributors from the ComicsUK forum who has been sterling in his work
efforts on behalf of the site!He tracked down one of the Artists-ALAN WILLOW who drew Issue 51 of The Crunch Starhawk strip,Issue
1063 of Hotspur & Crunch,and Issue 1097 of Hotspur and interviewed him on my behalf.Here are some extracts which shed
some more light on the creation of Starhawk-
"...this is really most weird. Yes, the
Starhawk stories are my artwork, I had completely
forgotten about that one. It's so strange to see my work
for D C Thomson again after all this time. I can only say
that the quality of their scripts matched the quality of
my artwork!!! I think that at that time my figure drawing
left a little to be desired although the enthusiasm and
action was there!
...Yes it's fine to use anything I send over the internet, (Webmaster:Re using these extracts and providing a photo).
I think my photo would break quite a few monitor screens so I won't send a picture of me. Working for DC Thomson was great.
Their pay was not quite as good as IPC magazines, but they were not too demanding regarding the standards of artwork [ although
they did have quite a lot of very fine illustrators working for them ]. Their scripts, I am almost sure, were written in house
by the editors, whereas IPC would use top quality freelance scriptwriters for their mags.
Shaqui emailed me today(October 12th)with the link below to the Gerry Anderson website with the full interview,extracts which
are above.This interview is a more lenghty affair and details the entire career of Alan Willow.Plus the Starhawk site gets
a mention.Thanks as ever to Shaqui.
Complete Alan Willow Interview